I dont know how many of you have actually seen this show, or have even heard of the Villalobos Rescue Center.
This is a "santuary" for pitbulls, and parolees.
Since most parolees cannot find jobs,Tia has employed them as dog keepers.
There are over 200 pitbulls at this santuary, and they have a rehibilitation program for fighting dogs as well.
Tia has savd many dogs lives, and also helps families find their perfectpet match.
My husband and i were planning on making the 3 hour drive up to LA to volunteer,
The volunteer projects include,walking the dogs, giving them baths, and pretty much just spending time with him.
We are also trying to think of a fundraiser,so when we show up to volunteer we have something to offer to help out with these beautiful misunderstood dogs.
If you have any ideas on a fundraiser or you would also like to join us in volunteering one day, please send me an email @
For any other information,
please visit
The Villalobos Rescue Senter's website